Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Might Of This

The Might Of This

Our overpowering thoughts govern our behavior and attitude, and accordingly our actions, our spirit, and the people around us. As our thoughts are, so are our lives. This signifies that it's of large importance to be cautious with our thoughts, especially ideas that we frequently replicate.
Ideas are like a videocassettes that we play in the VCR of our brains. What we play, is what we view with our internal eyes. What we visualize in our brain is what we think of. The thoughts that we repeatedly think mold our lives. So to make modifications in our life, we must make modifications in our thought process. It's essential to modify our thoughts. It's like ejecting a videocassette and bringing in a new one that we like better.
The new mental videocassette will sooner or later modify our behavior, actions and attitude, and draw into our lives people, situations and events matching with our thoughts. An individual thought isn't strong enough to cause a change, but if the same thought is replicated frequently, it eventually acquires force.
A thought that's frequently repeated acquires a foothold in the subconscious mind, and from there it bears upon our lives and even our surroundings. The great thing about this process is that we do not need to strain or overexert ourselves to make it occur. All we are required to do is to pick out a thought that we would like to come true, and begin repeating it.
Pretend you're timid in the company of others, and you would like to change this situation. Driving yourself to communicate with others

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